This Network is Essential for Young Professionals

“It’s not what you know, it’s…”
That’s right. Go ahead and fill in the rest. You know it. We all know it.
It’s who you know.
And while it might have been just the slightest bit irritating to hear from our parents or teachers or whomever way back when, when it comes right down to it, they were right. Regardless of the field or industry, everything we do boils down to relationships in one way or another. As a matter of fact, according to a global study done by LinkedIn1, “almost 80 percent of professionals consider professional networking to be important to career success”.
Moreover, talent attraction, development and retention have long been a focus of Hoosier's economic strategy. And among the roles of Chambers of Commerce is helping to ensure that their members have everything they need to succeed, including a healthy workforce.
Recognizing that, as well as how downright daunting it can be to build a professional network, the Franklin Chamber of Commerce wanted to fill a notable void on the southside of Indianapolis and provide young professionals with an easy, pressure-free environment to meet and mingle with fellow career-minded individuals. In so many conversations with our members, talent is often their leading concern with the quality of life playing a big role in that. The Franklin YP Network serves as both a professional networking opportunity and a fun hangout with friends.
What sets the Franklin YP Network apart from others is that, while oftentimes, involvement in a Chamber of Commerce requires membership, Chamber membership is not a prerequisite for participation in the Franklin YP Network, nor is there a membership fee to the network itself. A flourishing community is imperative for a successful business climate, like that of our members and we believe that a thriving young professionals network helps to answer some of the concerns of both available talent and quality of life.