in the Franklin business community

Since 1910, the Franklin Chamber of Commerce has been dedicated to the promotion of the business community. The Chamber strives to support and grow our member businesses and strengthen the Franklin community.

to the Franklin Chamber of Commerce
By joining the Franklin Chamber of Commerce, you are demonstrating your belief in a thriving and dynamic future for Franklin. Complete the form by clicking on the button to apply for membership.

from your Chamber membership
Studies show that belonging to the Chamber is a great investment for your business, but it’s up to each member to take advantage of the benefits. The Franklin Chamber of Commerce offers the following as part of membership at no added cost.
Members can have a business table each year at monthly luncheons. Tables are to promote the member business, a product or an event. The member business can pass out business cards and promotional materials.
Businesses host ribbon cuttings to celebrate a grand opening, a remodel, a move or a new service. The Chamber provides ribbon and decorative scissors, submits press releases and coordinates with city or county officials. This is a perfect way to get noticed.
Members are listed alphabetically and by category and are searchable on the Chamber website. Each member has a microsite that can include a description with photo, video, logo, map and website link.
The Chamber offers a job posting feature on the Chamber website. Members can post jobs online and reap the benefit of the many potential employees searching online for jobs.
Keep up-to-date on member and community news weekly. Members can submit their news to be included in the newsletter.
A July cookout offers the Chamber a way to thank it members. Business mixers offer opportunities to connect, network and learn about fellow members. An annual business expo and career fair are even more events to help members engage for success.
The Chamber is a year round champion for small businesses through ongoing promotional efforts, including hosting a shop small open house on Small Business Saturday. Members are encouraged to provide promotional materials for shoppers.
New members can attend to learn about the Chamber, take away information on how to maximize their membership and meet other new members.
The Chamber office receives inquiries regularly from consumers asking where to find goods and services. The Chamber always refers Chamber members and directs inquiries to the robust membership directory and member profiles on the website.
A Chamber window cling displayed at a member business or website membership decal signifies community involvement and give consumers a feeling of security when frequenting businesses.
The Chamber advocates on behalf of its members. Members gain a say in what happens through the Chamber’s advocacy efforts and have a connection to legislators and leaders in the city, county, state and nation.
The Chamber provides educational programming and resources to help member businesses grow and thrive.
your business within the Chamber
The Franklin Chamber of Commerce provides a wide variety of sponsorship opportunities to:
- Network With Other Local Company Representatives
- Advertise Your Business
- Learn How to Grow Your Business
- Gather Leads
- Read What is Happening in Weekly Email Newsletters
yourself at Chamber member events
what they say about the Chamber
Bio-technology company B2S Life Sciences values how the Franklin Chamber of Commerce brings together a genuine community and makes it a place to belong.
the Franklin Chamber of Commerce
“The workshops and events are purpose-built to sharpen ideas and help get people ready for that pitch event. We’ll dig into what makes a solid business idea and how to share it in an engaging way. No one with an idea they’re passionate about should feel like they can’t take part in these programs.”
"There is so much our communities have to offer. We know there are great ideas and people ready to support them. Launch Johnson County is here to help shine a light on them.”

“We joined the Franklin Chamber soon after opening Middle Davids Candles here in 2009. Throughout that time, the Chamber has become a real pillar of the Franklin community. Anytime I need information or a referral to a specific type of business, my first call is to Anya or Rosie, and I know I’ll get a quick and informative response. We love the personal touch and how they work constantly to build connections within our community but also with the greater Indianapolis area. They are our Small Business Saturday champions!”
“We are so excited to be able to get this going and see what ideas are out there in our community just waiting to be discovered. I really think this is going to bring people together and begin to change how businesses start in Johnson County.”

“When we opened our tire shop we were not only new to Franklin, we were new to our business. With such a steep learning curve, we felt overwhelmed at times. The Franklin Chamber helped us feel at home and find our place in the community. As a chamber member, we feel like the whole community is on our team, which is very important to any small business!”

“Johnson Memorial Health truly values our relationship with the Franklin Chamber of Commerce. As the city’s largest employer, our success and the success of Franklin are intertwined. I believe a strong chamber is critical to helping support and grow our local businesses and representing the city and county to those choosing to locate here. That’s why JMH is proud to be a partner with the Franklin Chamber!”

“Most businesses, especially in the service industry, are relationship-driven. The exposure, networking opportunities and continual support received by the Franklin Chamber have helped enhance our relationships within the local business community. Many new client introductions, business partnerships and even friendships were direct results of our membership. The Franklin Chamber continues to provide a solid foundation for local businesses to flourish!”

“From the minute I started attending Franklin Chamber events, I couldn’t get enough of the energy and acceptance from the Franklin community. Being a part of the Chamber has helped me develop my leadership, interpersonal skills and everlasting business relationships.”

“Being new to the Franklin community and with a small business, I knew that one of my first tasks would be to join the Franklin Chamber of Commerce. From my very first Chamber Basics introductory meeting, I felt both welcomed into, and supported by, this positive and thriving community. I am thrilled to be a part of the Franklin Chamber and all it has to offer people like me!”