On Giving Tuesday, Remember Our Foundation

This Giving Tuesday, we want to take the opportunity to share with you an initiative launched in early 2023 that we feel embodies just what we mean when we say Genuine Franklin - The Franklin Chamber Foundation.
Unlike a Chamber of Commerce, which is a 501c6 membership organization, our Foundation is a 501c3 organization. Each is a non-profit organization but the former is limited in their monetary capabilities. As a 501c3 organization, the Franklin Chamber Foundation is able to accept financial contributions through donations and grants that the Franklin Chamber of Commerce cannot.
But what does all of that mean?
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce defines a Chamber of Commerce as “a group of businesses that supports the interest of its members”. That’s interesting. Over the course of 113 years, we have developed a very different mission at the Franklin Chamber of Commerce.
While we certainly enjoy working closely with our Chamber members and there are, of course, benefits of Chamber membership, the Franklin Chamber is dedicated to the promotion of the entire business community.
What is that saying? Rising tides lift all ships? We understand that your family, your friends, your clients and your employees all live, work or play in Franklin. And that it is the business community at large that helps make Franklin as genuine and vibrant as it is.
In that vein, the Franklin Chamber strives to support the businesses in this community in as many ways as possible. One such way is the creation of the Franklin Chamber Foundation.
Immediately following its launch, the Franklin Chamber Foundation applied for and was awarded a grant from the Franklin Economic Development Commission totaling $30,000. From there, the Foundation was able to open its own inaugural grant cycle. Thirteen Franklin small businesses were then awarded grants for capacity-building purposes. While that, in and of itself, is something we are certainly proud of, it was the stories shared that moved us the most.
These small business owners are our friends and neighbors. But often we fail to realize just how hard they work to not only thrive by simply survive. And it was the honor of a lifetime to have the opportunity to help alleviate even the slightest bit of their stress if even for a moment.
And we hope to do much more. For this Giving Tuesday, we are asking for your consideration of a tax-deductible donation to the Franklin Chamber Foundation. Your generosity will help fund additional gifting opportunities as well as small business and entrepreneurial education.